Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Berlei - Undetecable Contour

So with the Anna, my flagship everyday bra erased as an option I went off *under duress* to find a replacement and immediately found a divinely smooth and sleek option.

As an aside - I initially stepped into Bras N Things, and we greeted by a woman wearing a lanyard proclaiming her 'Fitting Specialist' - who was wearing a totally wrong fitting bra, double breast action, so I bought pajama's and went to David Jones where a sturdy older woman served me.

The Berlei Undetectable Contour Bra, feels lovely. The material is heavenly smooth, but somewhat disappointing on.

Support & Comfort- 2.5 / 5
For a start, the cup was not big enough. To go up I would have had to go to a 16DD, which would have meant that the bra would have been too big around my chest.
The bra did support, but the cup (as sort of pictured) felt as if it were pancaking my breast and thrusting them together to create a cleavage, and at the same time giving breast spill issues.
I guarantee Sophie Faulkner is having some double boob here but we cannot see it.

Overall Look - 2.5 / 5
I am quite middle of the road about this bra.
If indeed it's purpose was to create a cleavage, job done - but not a nice rounded cleavage more, lift, separate and then attempt a cleavage.
I did personally not like the way it fit. I needed a larger cup in my books, and it just does not exist.

Price - $49.95

Size Range - Fairly average, 10A - 16DD

Colour Range - Almond (skin), Black, Red, and Navy.

Other Accessories - I have not sited the bras to know what size but Berlei list a Undetectable Push-Up Contour Bra, Undetectable Lace Contour Bra and Lace Hipster Panties.

1 people had something to say about this:

Unknown said...

I did personally not like the way it fit.
Create Cleavage and Lift!

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