Sunday, July 27, 2008

Intimo - Sherbet

Firstly this bra doesn't come in the size that I was fitted to on the night, so already a strike against the bra. The bra I was supplied with was a 12DD. Riiiiiiiggghhht.
(*Edit- I should qualify that I was fitted, said I wanted *this* bra and she wrote it down. I didn't realise she was writing down 12DD, had I been given a choice of size, I doubt I would have ordered a 12DD right after being fitted so different)

Support & Comfort
- 2 / 5
Rubbish fit. It wasn't tight enough, there was no lift, there was no....anything. terrible terrible terrible, I was never going to keep it. I wish I'd realised it had been ordered in 12DD, I possibly would have told her not to bother. I would compare it to the Lemon Meringue above actually, but at least there was some lift.

Overall Look
- 2 / 5
I'm sure when it fits its looks quite cute, but it was just kind of saggy and sad looking.

- 0 / 5
At no point did I even consider keeping this, it seriously was never going to fit.

- $49.50

Size Range
- Quite small, only 32 (10) - 34 (12) A-DD

Colour Range -
Just Black and white unfortunately, but they do occassionally do seasonal colours aparently.

Other Accessories -
As above, there is a cami, boy short, V-string, no regular brief.

* If you have any feedback on the format of this review or the scoring, please feel free to leave a comment. Thanks :-)

3 people had something to say about this:

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

Well, I am left cold after this news.

Boutique prices, and then the product does not live up to it?


Agent Z said...

I feel compelled to point out that it was the wrong size. You can't judge an orange tic tac when you only have a box of spearmint to go by.
Stand by for a follow up from me.

K said...

Did you try returning it? I've always been told that sizing issues will be refunded.

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