I found out today, that the Anna bra has been discontinued.
Apprently the bra sold really well during sales, but as a full price item of a measly $39.95 the bra didn't sell.I am crushed. RIP Anna.

Sick of trying to find good bras for your ample bosom? This is the place for tried and tested bras from a D Cup+ in all price ranges. All reviewers are D cup or larger themselves, and we know your pain in trying to find good bras.
2 people had something to say about this:
Aarrrgggh! I must go and buy one (as I had been dithering about doing for ages)
If I were you I would draft an email/letter to BnT and tell them of your sorrow.
I'm a complainer though.
Sadly, I went to purchase one, and they have "been sent back to head office" already. :(
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